

Apricot Honey
March 15, 2021
Herbal Honey
March 15, 2021

Berry or Sidr Honey

 1,160 2,390

Berry or Sidr Honey is rarest type of Honey that Hunza Delight collects from the mountains of the Himalayas, Karakorum and Hindukush of Northern Pakistan. It has more minerals, vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants than any other variety of Honey.

SKU: N/A Category:

Berry Honey

Additional Information

Adding Sidr honey to your diet can improve cell health, and thus overall prognosis. Additionally, considering the superior nutrient content of Sidr honey, the boost in nutrition alone can help your body fight off illness. Taking two to three teaspoon daily will help you to maintain general health.
Salient Features:
•Stomach ulcers
•Respiratory infections
•Diseases resulting from malnutrition
•Digestive problems, constipation
•Infected wounds and burns, surgical wounds
•Promote speedy recovery after childbirth
•Facilitates menstruation
•Strengthened the immune systems
•Promotes general health and vitality

Additional information
Weight N/A

250gm, 500gm