

Almonds (200gm)
March 15, 2021
Cherries Dried (200gm)
March 15, 2021

Apricot Kernels (200gm)



Apricots kernels are seeds of the apricots ripening on the branch of Himalayan and Karakuram mountains. These tasty seeds are more than just any other nuts. They’re one of the best natural sources of vitamin called B-17, and vitamin, B-15 or calcium pangamate A (beta-carotene), you’ll find, and they’re also a good source of fiber and potassium.


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Apricot kernels

Apricot kernels (also known as apricot seeds) are the small seeds found inside the pit of an apricot. They resemble almonds and have a mild and slightly sweet taste.
These are sweet apricot kernels although each batch may contain a few bitter-tasting kernels. Sweet apricot kernels contain significantly lower levels of amygdalin than bitter apricot kernels.
People living in Himalayan and Karakoram mountain ranges, and in particular those living in Hunza are being considered by the scientist as people living longest active and healthy lives. According to an American scientist known as Ernst T. Krebs, who promoted various substances as alternative cures for cancer, did his research in Hunza and states that one of the main reason for long and healthy cancer free lives of Hunza people are eating in large quantity apricots and apricot kernels.

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