
Mountains of Shilajit

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March 12, 2021

Shilajit, a potent natural resin prized for its medicinal properties, is a rare substance found in the remote, rugged terrains of the Hunza Valley in Pakistan. Its collection is not only a test of physical endurance but also a profound connection between humans and the harsh, yet awe-inspiring, mountain environment.

The process begins with a dangerous ascent up the steep cliffs of the Karakoram mountain range, where shilajit oozes from rock crevices. The journey to these high-altitude locations is arduous, often taking days of trekking through treacherous paths that only the most experienced mountaineers can navigate. The altitude sickness, unpredictable weather, and the risk of landslides add to the perilous nature of this task.

Even when the source is located, extracting shilajit is no simple feat. The resin is often embedded deep within the rocks, requiring careful chiseling and extraction methods to avoid damaging the precious substance. The collectors, usually locals who have inherited the skill through generations, must work with precision and care, often in precarious positions on sheer cliffs.

Once collected, the raw shilajit is carried down the mountains by hand, as the treacherous paths are inaccessible to modern transportation. This descent is equally challenging, with the added burden of transporting the heavy, valuable cargo. Despite the risks, the effort is seen as worthwhile because of the high value placed on shilajit for its reputed health benefits, including boosting energy, enhancing cognitive function, and aiding in the treatment of various ailments.

The rarity of shilajit, coupled with the dangerous and difficult process of harvesting it from the heights of the Hunza mountains, contributes to its high price and esteemed status in traditional medicine. The dedication and skill of those who collect it reflect not only their deep respect for nature but also the enduring traditions of the Hunza people, who have long revered shilajit as a gift from the mountains.